Update from Headteacher
Dear Parents and Carers
I know many people have either had COVID19, suspect that they have had COVID19, or know somebody who has been seriously affected by this disease. I trust you are all as well as you can be. I know that many individuals and families have been under a lot of strain and pressure in these unprecedented times.
As you will be aware from government announcements schools remain closed. However, we are open to children of key workers who have no other option but to send their children to school. We were pleased that at the end of last term that list remained minimal to ensure that as few staff as possible were needed to be in the school building. We will be open tomorrow (17/4/20) in this same limited capacity. We are expecting further advice and guidance from the Department of Education and the government later this week.
Teachers will be in contact again tomorrow to ensure your child has appropriate learning activities to complete at home. If you have any concerns regarding your child’s work and learning please contact the class or form tutor first, or the teacher who sat the work in secondary.
If you have any questions regarding your child’s school attendance at school please contact Mr Ralph. If you got any concerns regarding your child’s wellbeing please contact Mr Deslandes.
Kind Regards
Les Milton