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Laleham Gap School

Learn Grow Succeed

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Whole School Curriculum Overview

At Laleham Gap we work alongside national curriculum requirements to enhance our own rich and relevant curriculum offer. We endeavour to constantly refine how we best meet the needs of our pupils. We use the word “curriculum” to encapsulate all the learning opportunities that are experienced by our pupils. We aim to cover many of the broader areas of learning to ensure we are providing a robust set of life skills to support current and future successes.


Personal Development

At Laleham Gap School, we recognise that encouraging and supporting a young person's personal development is a crucial factor in their ability to enjoy learning and to achieve. As such, we aim to provide an environment and opportunities that enable children to explore and develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally.


Personal Development lessons help children to go beyond the acquisition of knowledge. They are led by the class teacher/tutor and include Careers Education and the opportunity to learn and rehearse meaningful Life Skills.  Some sessions are supported by specialists such as RNLI, Drama Companies, Emergency Services Education Officers, Forest/Beach School Leaders, NHS specialists, Career Advisors etc.


Personal and interpersonal skills and capabilities underpin success in all aspects of life. It is important, therefore, that children’s self-esteem and self-confidence are explicitly fostered along with the ability to understand and manage their own emotions and to interact effectively with others.


All pupils are actively encouraged to:

  • Develop positive relationships with staff and pupils in their tutor/class groups
  • Consider, and own, their own interests and priorities
  • Support their peers with their targets and interests
  • Work towards individual targets through learning experiences - including Learning Outside the Classroom
  • Nurture a Growth Mindset
  • Work towards trying and mastering Personal and Life Skills
  • Develop their self-awareness and self-care



If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach please contact the school directly.
