Local Authority Arrangements
The admission of pupils with EHCPs to special schools is a decision for the local authority (LA) who has statutory responsibility for arranging their provision. There are admission criteria for each special school that are applied to determine if a particular special school would be a suitable placement. The range of Kent Special schools available to pupils in each district can be found by clicking on the link below:
Laleham Gap School Admissions Criteria
Laleham Gap School is a Communication and Interaction Special School for Children with Autism, Speech, Language and Communication Needs for ages 4-18. This provision allows for up to 188 student placements, within a range of class-based settings at Primary and subject specialists in Secondary that all have their own specific cohorts/needs, prescribed outcomes and provision.
The school has a multidisciplinary team of educationalists, therapists, support assistants who work collaboratively, to realise each student’s prescribed outcomes and potential onward destinations. Our aim is to ensure that the provision directly correlates and supports the expected outcomes (as outlined in their EHCP), for each student, as well as mirroring the aims set out in the school’s welcome statement.
At Laleham Gap School, we adopt a personalised approach to learning underpinned by meeting the needs of Autism with relation to positive behaviour management, communication, sensory, independence and life skills.
Laleham Gap School is based in Ramsgate, Kent. The Local Authority’s SEN team manages all admissions. All students will need to have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) with a diagnosis of Autism to access Laleham Gap School.
Entry to the school will be dependent on:
- Student needs match the descriptions in the school admission criteria
- Places available within the cohort (age/need type)
- Additional information such as parental visit, student observation in current school, additional assessments/information
- Up to date paperwork
- Occasionally observation and assessment placements will be agreed to ensure the placement is correct.
These include:
- The LA preference
- The parent preference
- The nature of the child’s needs and previous educational experiences (if applicable)
- Pupils whose communication and interaction needs cannot be met in a mainstream school
- Recommendations of the referring body
- The suitability of Laleham Gap School for the pupil
Admissions are made through referral by the Kent Local Authority with the agreement of the school governors. Pupils will be admitted, as and when there is a vacancy within the appropriate Key Stage. Current availability of places can be checked with the Area Education Office.
We will assess pupils who are referred by their existing schools before they are offered a place to ensure that we can meet their needs and that the placement is appropriate. Parents are given the opportunity to visit Laleham Gap School at one of our Prospective Parents open afternoons, which are held termly. Once a place has been offered and accepted there, is a period of induction, which can include part-time placements, which will be beneficial to a child’s successful transition into school. All pupils admitted to the school will have been authorised by the case worker representing the Local Authority before admission.
Post 16 Admissions
The provision has been specifically designed and developed for our existing Key Stage 4 pupils. The admissions process starts at the Year 10 annual review. This discussion with the family and young person continues through the Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance process in years 10 and 11. If successful, the Local Authority will name Laleham Gap School Post 16 provision in Section I of the EHCP after the Yr11 Annual Review. This will state the requirements of the young person before admission into the Post 16 Provision.
Unfortunately, we will be unable to offer places to all students. Places will be offered to those Laleham Gap students who the school assess to be at the greatest risk of being unsuccessful in education, employment or training at the end of Year 11. This may be a difficult decision and the school will liaise with families, students, staff and other agencies before making a decision regarding which students will be offered a place. The Local Authority will then make the final decisions as it remains their legal responsibility to do so.
The governors reserve the right to refuse admission in the following cases:
- Places are fully subscribed and admitting pupils over this number would be incompatible with the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources.
- The school would be unable to meet the needs of the pupil.
- Admission of a pupil would compromise the Health and Safety of pupils and /or staff within the school, or would seriously compromise or disrupt the education of pupils already within the school.
For further information on admissions, please contact the Local Authority:
Kent County Council - SEND Information Hub (link takes you to an external site)
East Kent
Brook House, Reeves Way, Whitstable, Kent, CT5 3SS
Tel: 03000 42 11 60 or email:
South Kent
Kroner House, Eurogate Business Park, Ashford, Kent, TN24 8XU
Tel: 03000 42 08 89 or email: