Primary Uniform
Boys Uniform
- School sweatshirt with badge or plain navy sweatshirt
- Plain white polo shirt or collared sports shirt
- School grey long trousers or shorts
Girls Uniform
- School sweatshirt with badge or plain navy sweatshirt
- Plain white polo shirt or collared sports shirt
- School grey skirt/long trousers/shorts or navy check dress (Summer), socks or tights (Winter)
Reception Year:
School sweatshirt and plain (navy/grey/black) jogging pants may be worn.
- Plain white T-shirt
- Plain black shorts
- 1 pair black elasticated plimsoles
- 1 pair trunks/towel on swimming days
- PE bag
- 1 warm coat, hood/hat, gloves (Winter)
- 1 waterproof
Black school shoes, not trainers, boots or fashion shoes.