Attainment & Growth
LGS measures attainment against the National Benchmark, the 40th Percentile. Our goal is for pupils at LGS to attain reading comprehension levels greater than at least 40% of children of the same age, nationally. And we’re not content to let it rest there: fluent reading requires regular practice. As we tell our pupils, especially the older ones, use it or lose it! Our benchmark for growth, then, is set at the 50th Percentile. Our expectation is for all pupils at LGS to progress at least as well as 50% of children of the same age, nationally.
Pupils are tested in Terms 1, 3, 5 and 6 with results being used to identify which pupils need support to achieve these goals. We have been developing reading support to ensure it is targetted and timely. Pupils with reading levels below the national benchmark will be given a Learning Progression Programme based on the Literacy Focus Skills identified as needing attention. This may be in-class support (On Watch), small group (Intervention) or one to one (Urgent Intervention). Urgent Interventions are recorded on individual pupil’s Education and Health Care Plans, and are monitored every six weeks. For those pupils whose reading levels are at or above the benchmark, but who are failing to make progress, we will be setting a reading target based on our Accelerated Reader programme (see below). English teaching staff monitor progress every six weeks.