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Laleham Gap School

Learn Grow Succeed

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School Day

Laleham Gap is open between the hours of 8:50am to 3:15pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays, scheduled school holidays and inset days); this equates to 31.2 hours per week (term-time week).

Primary Secondary 
8:30am - 9amArrival / Play8:40am - 8:45amRegistration
9amCheck In / Registration 8:45am - 9:00amCheck In
9am - 10:30amMorning Session9:00am - 9:50amLesson 1

10:30am - 10:45am


9:50am - 10:00amBreak
10:45am - 11amSnack Time10:00am - 10:50amLesson 2
11am - 12:15pmMid-Morning Session10:50am - 11:00amBreak
11:00am - 11:50amLesson 3
12:15pm - 12:45pm


11:50am - 12:00pmBreak
12:00pm - 12:50pmLesson 4
12:45pm - 1:15pmLunch Play

      12:50pm - 1:40pm       

1:15pmCheck In / Registration 
1:40pm - 2pmReading +
1:40pm - 1:45pmRegistration
1:45pm - 2:15pmReading +
2pm - 3:15pmAfternoon Session2:15pm - 3:05pmLesson 5
3:05pm - 3:15pmCheck Out
Home Time and Clubs



  • Please do not drop off pupils before 8:30am
  • Pupils collected by parents/carers or walking home are signed out and use the main school door to exit
  • Please notify the school main office if you wish to collect a child that would normally travel on school transport
  • Please ensure that you inform the transport company of any changes
  • Please adhere to the 2 lanes of drop off and collection. Minibuses are on the outside lane and cars/taxis are to stay on the inside lane closest to the island