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Laleham Gap School

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School Values

Laleham Gap is a community, which promotes respect for others and celebrates diversity. 


We strive to ensure that every child is supported and inspired, to achieve through a specialist, safe and engaging learning environment. We recognise children for their uniqueness and seek to nurture their individual abilities. Personal aspirations are nurtured, helping transition to a successful adulthood in the wider community. We want children to manage their autism, develop coping strategies, develop their social and communication skills and increase their independence.


Our aim is to ensure that children leave our school having reached their academic potential. We want all our children to become well-rounded, confident, resilient young people, ready for their next step in learning and life. We will achieve this by individual needs being identified and met leading to exceptional personal achievements academically, socially and emotionally.


All staff are committed to the concept of unconditional positive regard for all our children. 


Relationships and excellent teaching strategies are the key. I want to develop the opportunities for improved relationships in our community. This is about role modelling high levels of resilience and trust. We must demonstrate that we can manage stress and anxiety doing our dream job, the one we have chosen. We cannot expect children  to develop these skills if we do not demonstrate them consistently. I want all staff to be the best they can. I want us to have a positive culture of learning and improvement; this is how inclusive high functioning communities are built.


I want everybody to be able to make the best decisions they can because we all need to be making improvements to our community because it is so important to us.


When supporting our children we need to understand why they are here and support them consistently with agreed strategies. We will strive for them to achieve the best academic results possible, but will not sacrifice their personal development, or limit their ability to succeed after school, in the pursuit of those academic results.


Les Milton



