Exam Information
The JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications) produce a variety of documents regarding exams and the rules and regulations. These are sent home to each child with their personalised timetable. Information for candidates and the school exam guide can be found below:
Please be aware that controlled assessments will be taking place in lessons throughout the year.
JCQ reminds candidates that:
- The work which you submit for assessments must be your own
- You must not copy from someone else or allow another candidate to copy from you
- For material taken from the internet, your reference should show the date when the material was downloaded and must show the precise web page
BTEC courses which are currently taught at Laleham Gap are:
- BTEC Level 1 in Performing Arts
- BTEC Level 1/2 First Award in Performing Arts
- BTEC Level 1 Introductory Certificate in Sport
- BTEC Level 1 and Level 2 Award in Home Cooking Skills
- BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award in Music Practice
Exam Results
Post Results Services
Candidates must give consent in writing for any of the below services:
1) Clerical Check (Service 1)
A clerical check of a marked paper will make sure that:
- All pages are marked
- All marks are counted correctly
- The result matches the marks on the paper
Candidates must be aware that the grade can go down as well as up.
How long? A clerical check takes up to 10 calendar days.
2) Review of Marking (Service 2)
A review of marking includes:
- A clerical check
- An experienced examiner reviewing the paper to identify genuine marking errors or unreasonable marking
- Making sure all marks are counted
Candidates must be aware that the grade can go down as well as up.
How long? Review of marking takes up to 20 calendar days.
3) Moderation Review (Service 3)
When there is a review of moderation of a coursework or controlled assessment mark, it is checked that the assessment criteria was applied fairly, reliably and consistently.
- Only available for whole cohort, not individual marks
How long? A moderation review takes up to 35 calendar days from when the moderator receives the original sample from school.