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Laleham Gap School

Learn Grow Succeed

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A Very Warm Welcome to You

Laleham Gap School is a thriving, challenging and happy environment and it's one that works because all children, staff, governors, parents and carers play a major part in raising standards, aiming high and aspiring to achieve the best they can for our children.


Our priority is child health and wellbeing. We promote a strong Safeguarding culture in our school to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all.


Our vision is that Laleham Gap School (Learn, Grow, Succeed) Strives to be the best school that it can be, so that all pupils have the tools to reach their full potential. We are focused on meeting the needs and interests of the individual child, ensuring that progress is made in all areas. This means we are accepting of all pupils from where they are and how they develop. Children are always at the heart of our decision making.


The intent of Laleham Gap School curriculum is to measure, celebrate and promote ways to maximise and realise the potential of our children. We will measure success by how well our children become successful adults.

We need to measure our success by measuring their success, at college and employment, not just exam results at 16. We support our children in becoming valued, contributors to society. We need to support their communication, social interaction, and the ability to be successful, not just in Laleham Gap but in all the environments and settings that they encounter.


As you can see from the pictures on this website, we have a strong tradition of providing high quality education, leading to success for pupils with Autism and speech and language difficulties. All our children have an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP).


We promote high quality achievement and attainment by providing a broad, balanced, and relevant curriculum for each child, with an emphasis on child development, growth, and academic skills. Wherever possible, our pupils are taught beyond the classroom, Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) opportunities are offered to our pupils widening pupils' educational experiences of the curriculum.


Usually there are 10 children in a class, led by an experienced and specialist teacher working with a team of skilled teaching assistants. Our teams are supported by in-house therapy staff.


Across the school, pupils make good and outstanding progress. Our secondary pupils go on to achieve excellent outcomes including a range of GCSE's, BTEC, vocational, functional skill, and entry level qualifications. Pupils follow the National Curriculum, which is adapted to meet their additional and individual needs, offering them the best chance of success.


This website aims to give you a taste of the school and to keep you all regularly updated on information regarding Laleham Gap School. This is for parents, pupils, and professionals alike. Thank you for visiting this website. If you have suggestions for improving the content on this website, please feel free to contact us.


If you would like to know more, please do not hesitate in contacting us.

Les Milton

