Useful Sites and Links
Below, we have compiled a list of health, wellbeing and information websites that may be useful to you.
Parents and carers of children at our school also have access to National Online Safety where lots of explainer videos, guides and short courses can be found to help safeguard children and protect their wellbeing. If you have not yet claimed your account, please see the invitation letter.
KCC Training for SEND Parents and Carers: This site offers a wide range of free and paid-for courses offered by the Local Authority in order to offer additional support and advice to parents who would benefit from it.
Diagnosis, Therapy and Other Support:
KCHFT Children’s Therapies resources website: links to OT, SALT and physiotherapy. Lots of videos, links and resources. Includes sensory processing videos
KCHFT Children’s Therapies service website: this includes service criteria
Healthier Families: Information about healthy eating, useful recipes, activities in your local area to get involved in, 10-minute shake up and lots more.
KCHFT School Health service:
Moodspark: A place where young people aged 10-16 can learn how to look after their emotional and mental health and find ways to help them bounce back when life gets tough.
Kent Youth Health: A website designed for young people
Chat Health A confidential texting service for young people aged 11-19
CHARITIES and Support
The Dyspraxia Foundation: The Dyspraxia Foundation is a countrywide charity, founded in 1987 as the Dyspraxia Trust by two mothers who met at Great Ormond Street Hospital for sick children. Lots of fact sheets with practical information. Local advice line.
Hypermobility Syndromes Association: Provides help and advice across the spectrum of problems seen in the ‘heritable disorders of connective tissue’ – joint hypermobility syndrome, Ehlers Danlos, Marfan syndrome, Stickler Syndrome and Osteogenesis Imperfecta.
The Boparan Charitable Trust: We are a charity created with the sole aim of improving young peoples’ lives. We provide funding to children with disabilities, life-limiting illnesses and those who are in extreme poverty across the UK. Our grants can fund specialist equipment such as wheelchairs, trikes, sensory toys not available on the NHS, and treatments such as a Speech & Language Therapy and Behavioural Therapy. If you know a child that could benefit from our support, we invite you to apply for funding.
SNAAP (Special Needs Advisory and Activities Project): SNAAP is unique: there are no other local organisations which provide the extensive range of services to children with every kind of disability, aged from 0 25 years, in partnership with parents. The focus of the services is upon all of the child's needs including educational, social, developmental and emotional. We focus upon the whole family and not just on the child with disabilities. Offers clubs, outings and sensory experiences.
The National Austistic Society: NAS is a British charity for people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD), including Autism and Asperger Syndrome. The purpose of the organisation is to improve the lives of people with Autism in the United Kingdom.
Epilepsy Action: Information and advice about epilepsy and local support.
Eye Can Learn: The purpose of this website is to provide parents with fun eye exercises to enhance their children’s visual processing skills for better school performance and improved attention.
Kent Autistic Trust: Kent autistic trust offers a range of services.
Royal College of Occupational Therapists: This site provides information on occupational therapy and the organisations events.
NHS Dressing and Undressing Advice: How to help you child learn to dress and undress.
Stepping Stones Knife and Fork: how to help your children develop success when using a knife and fork.
OTPlan: OT Plan provides activity suggestions to help develop skills using everyday household items. They also have OT ‘Skills In A Box’ kits available to purchase.
Autism Level UP! This site goes beyond autism awareness and moves people to action to develop acceptance and appreciation. It includes a blog, podcasts and videos on the subject, as well as a wide range of services and other materials.
The Zones Of Regulation: The Zones of Regulation is an social emotional learning framework and pathway to regulation. It helps children to develop awareness of feelings, energy and alertness and is one of the schoolwide strategies used at Laleham Gap.
Speech and Language
The Pod: A great local resource containing lots of articles and videos about speech, language and communication needs.
The Communication Trust and Consortium: An charity providing an excellent source of information, resources and training for all things communication.
Stamma: Information, advice and support for children, young people and their families regarding stammering.
Body Image: Dove have teamed up with Unicef to provide positive body image materials for parents, mentors and teachers to support girls aged 11-14.
Social Care
KCC Social Care Support for Adults:
KCC Protecting Children:
KCC Early Help:
Young Carers Services: