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Secondary Christmas Letter

November 2023                                                                                          


Dear Parents/Carers




We hope this letter finds you and your family safe and well.


We are holding some Christmas events this year and wanted to share what we are doing in school with you.


Friday 1 DecemberWhole school non-school uniform day – in exchange for a present donation for the Santa’s secret wrapping rooms. This can be new items or any quality used items please.

Wrapping Room

During the fair pupils will be able to pay £2.50 (per gift) to visit the room, select a present for any family members. This will be wrapped there and then, ready to go under the tree at home. In exchange for pupils wearing non uniform on Friday 1 December, hence we are asking that you send in donations of gifts suitable for adults or children (no alcohol). If you are sending in food items such as chocolates, please ensure these do not contain nuts.

If you feel your child may not be able to remember who they want to buy for or the person’s rough age please pop it on an envelope with the money inside so the ‘elves’ can help in the room.


Whole School Raffle

This year’s raffle will be paperless, numbers are allocated to each paperless ticket purchased.

Tickets will be £1; please could all money be sent in a sealed envelope with your child’s name to the school office, we can accept money from tomorrow (Thursday 17 November 2023). The raffle will be drawn on the last day of term (Friday 15 December), if you have won your child will bring home the prize that afternoon.


Donations for our raffle are always welcome.


Christmas Dinner/Jumper Day

Depending on the day your child is due to have ‘Christmas Dinner Day’ we invite pupils to wear festive themed jumpers/tops on this day, with a £1 donation which will go to the ‘Save the Children Charity’.

As always, school uniform can be worn if preferred. 

 Wednesday 6 December – Christmas Dinner Yr 7,8 & 9 (Christmas Jumper Day for these year groups)

 Friday 8 December – Christmas Dinner Yr 10, 11, 12 & 13 (Christmas Jumper Day for these year groups)


Christmas Fair (Pupils only)

Thursday 14 December – Secondary Phase Christmas Fair (morning) (inc. wrapping room)

During Enterprise Week (11 December – 14 December) pupils will be making a variety of items to sell at our Christmas Fair.

Talent Show (Pupils only)

Friday 15 December – Secondary Talent Show – Morning performance.


Yours faithfully,




Mrs Katie Reeves

Deputy Head
