School Update
Dear Parent / Carer
Further to the announcement by the Prime Minister this evening you will be aware that the directive is to close schools in the UK from Friday afternoon until further notice.
However, exceptions to this directive were also announced; the finer detail of which is yet to be fully understood. I fully anticipate receiving clear guidance from the Department of Education tomorrow in relation to the provision of education that will need to be offered to vulnerable students and those children of key workers.
Therefore, we will be open as usual tomorrow for students to attend school. As previously advised if you feel due to a pre-existing health condition and or you are in self-isolation your child should stay at home. Please be assured their attendance record will not be adversely impacted by this decision.
I take this opportunity to thank you for your support and I will be in contact tomorrow regarding the finer detail in relation to the Governments school closure plans and ongoing education provision for your child.
Please continue to follow the guidance from public health England in relationship to self-isolation.
Kind Regards
Les Milton