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Pride Day Event Letter

June 2024                                                                                                                            

Dear Parents and Carers,

Friday 28th June is going to be an off-timetable Culture and Community Day to celebrate Pride in our identities.                                  (This is also the Year 11 Leavers Day – including their off-site activities.)

The ‘Laleham Gap Pride’ event and colour run celebrates the diversity in our school community.  The 2024 symbol is a rainbow fingerprint to include and celebrate all staff and students.  The day has been designed by the pupils to celebrate what they take pride in and to nurture healthy self-esteem, acceptance and positive relationships.   As a Unicef Rights Respecting School, we are passionate about Equality.  There will be an Awards Assembly for positive contributions to our community.

Pupils will be invited to participate in practical activities and meet guests that celebrate Inclusion and the students’ hobbies– including Sport and the Creative Arts.  Our Fun Run will include optional colour stations (where coloured holi powder will be thrown at participants to decorate their t-shirts).  If pupils choose to participate in the Colour Stations, please be aware that there is a risk of their outfit being stained.  It is recommended to wear a plain pale or white t-shirt/top. Sunglasses will be provided to those who want a pair and participation running medals will be given to everyone who completes the course – with or without the colour stations. Please provide a change of clothes to prevent issues with transport home – please contact the school if you normally use a taxi and choose to collect on this day.

All pupils are invited to wear their own clothes. School uniform is always permitted, but we suggest PE Kit due to the range of activities.  Please can all pupils wear, or at least bring, trainers for sport activities.

As this is a weather-dependent event the timetable and activities may have to be adapted for Health and Safety reasons.  Please sign and return the consent form attached to the main school office by Friday 21st June.  The day costs the school approximately £10/pupil, we are asking families for a voluntary donation of £4 to enable us to continue providing guest workshops and resources chosen by the students.

Many thanks for your continued support,


Ms Helen Schroepfer

Learning for Life Lead and Secondary School Council;

Please complete and return the below slip to the school office or email back to:


Laleham Gap Pride Day 28.6.24 (Culture and Community)


I consent to ……………………………………………………………….. (pupil name) in ……………………………. (class) to participate in (please tick): 

  • Colour run stations (if chosen)
  • Face paint/Make-up/Glitter
  • Refreshments (including ice lollies)

Comments/Questions: ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………….……
