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Laleham Gap School

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Phoenix Garden Update

I agreed at the coffee morning on Friday that I will give a brief update on the developments regarding the Phoenix garden. The plans and more detailed information can be found on this website under - Parents/Carers, School Letters, Term 3


It has become clear to the governing body that the garden between the Phoenix building (Residence) and the staff car park does in fact not make up part of the school grounds. This is a disappointment to us as even though we’d only developed and utilised it in a small way so far, we had further plans for the area.


The loss of ground and space for our young people to utilise is disappointing, however KCC, the current owners East Kent Opportunities and the developers Kentish Projects, have assured us that there will be no road linking New Haine Road to Sterling Way. Final planning has not been applied for by Kentish Projects, as yet. This will be our formal opportunity as a community to raise our concerns. As soon as we are aware of this planning application we will let you all know and ask for your support in raising our concerns. These include;

•             Transport and highways – the effect of increased traffic, building vehicles, the impact of 20 new buildings and the effect this would have on the children and for parents bringing children to and from school, particularly in the mornings.

•             Privacy and safeguarding issues.  There needed to be consideration about housing overlooking the residential provision and the primary side of the school.  There was also concerns about dust and noise, Air pollution/air quality and the loss of local open areas, we know all of these will impact on the well-being of our children.


If you would like to discuss this further with myself please do not hesitate in contacting me.


Les Milton
