Parent/Carer Coffee Morning 15 March 2019 Overview
Thank you for those who were able to attend today’s coffee morning, it was lovely to see you all.
We had Jane from Fegans and Amy who runs a parent support group come along to the coffee morning to talk about what services they offer and may offer in the future.
Please find below their contact details, which will be shared on our website as well:
Jane Cekic - East Kent Area Manager for Fegans:
Amy Shatliff – Parent Support Group:
We discussed the school site and concerns around the local development and the phoenix garden and the impact on our school community. I will be writing a brief update to be published on our website sharing the information, which we know from my last update in January.
We discussed having an alternative time for the coffee morning to allow other parent/carers the opportunity to attend. The next parent / carer coffee meeting will now be held on:
Wednesday 8th May, 2019 at 7pm in the TISS Training Centre (same place as normal)
I do hope that you will be able to make it.
Kind Regards
Les Milton