Odd Sock Day on Wednesday 13 November & Children in Need on Friday 15 November
Dear Parent/Carer,
Next week’s Events
Wednesday 13th November, 2019
The week beginning Monday 11th November is Anti-Bullying Week. To mark this event we are holding an Odd Sock Day on Wednesday 13th November. We are encouraging all children and staff to wear odd socks to school for this event and they can be as bright and colourful as you like. This is a fun and safe way for children to express themselves, celebrate their individuality and by taking part with the rest of the school it will demonstrate that we are united against bullying.
Over the course of the week, the children will be learning about what bullying is and what to do if they know someone who is being bullied.
Friday 15th November, 2019
We will be celebrating Children in Need on Friday 15th November by asking all pupils and staff to come into school in Non-uniform for the suggested donation of £1.00. We would also like to hold a bake sale and are asking for any donations of cakes to be brought into school on the same day for pupils and staff to purchase with all money raised going to Children In Need.
Also on behalf of Laleham Gap School some of our staff are taking part in a sponsored walk for Children in Need from Canterbury to Margate (which is 30 miles) on Saturday 16th November.
If you would like to sponsor our staff then please complete the slip below and return to the school enclosing your donation.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Katie Reeves
Deputy Headteacher
To: Laleham Gap School
I would like to sponsor your staff on their walk for Children In Need and have enclosed a donation of:
£_________________ cash/cheque (cheque’s made payable to Children In Need) please delete as appropriate.
Print Name: ____________________________________ Signed: ________________________________