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Headteacher Letter

6 June 2024                 

Dear Parents and Carers  


I hope that this letter finds you, your friends and family in good health.


Thank you for those of you who attended (6 parents) our annual cheese and wine evening yesterday. It was great to see and speak with some of you last night. I hope that more will attend next year. I would also like to thank Daniel Chantler the Chair of Governors, Josh Payne and Katie Reeves senior leaders who also attended.


We discussed the recent cabinet committee meeting, you can find a recording of this using the following link Children's, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee - Thursday 16 May 2024, 2:00pm - Kent County Council Webcasting ( We also discussed the potential impact of the proposals on Laleham Gap School in the future. I shared with you that the local authority will have a special school consultation which will be launched on the 17 June 2024. This will have more detail and information than the cabinet papers from last month. The cabinet papers regarding the special school consultation can be found using this link


I will write to you again as soon as the consultation is live and share my professional opinion of the consultation proposals.


I wish to thank Danielle Dunn for all her support and contributions in the last five years as a co-opted, and then parent governor. Her contributions have been of the highest calibre and greatly appreciated by us as a governing body. This is an exciting opportunity for you to become our next parent governor.


The role of a parent governor at Laleham Gap School is to provide a parental perspective on the matters that we discuss. It is also to have a positive approach to learning and training. We expect each governor to attend the six full governing body meetings per year. We prefer that a parent governor participates in at least monitoring visit per year. But it is not essential. We will provide support, an induction and training.


If you wish to become a parent governor at Laleham Gap School, please email so that we can discuss further the role, expectations and the election process.


Term six brings lots of fun activities for pupils including Wellbeing trips to Thorpe Park and Legoland.  We will celebrate again this year with a Pride day and Year 11 Leavers Day which will both be on Friday 28 June.


Our Primary Summer Fair is on 12 July and Secondary sports day and Summer fair is on 17 July. We will provide more details and reminders closer to the time.

Best wishes

Les Milton

