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Laleham Gap School

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Covid19 updates

17th March, 2020


Dear Parents/Carers


As you will be aware the Public Health England and Government advice changes daily, in light of last night’s advice if your child or any member of your household develops symptoms of a dry cough or a raised temperature please ensure that you do not send your child to school and that your child and the whole household self-isolate for 14 days.


If your child has previously been sent home as they have presented these symptoms they should remain self-isolated and not return to school for 14 days.


If your child develops a raised temperature or a dry cough at school we will be contacting parents and sending them home as per the government guidance.


If you have concerns or wish to discuss this further please do not hesitate to contact us or check the latest guidance issued at 


Kind regards 

Mr Les Milton

Laleham Gap School

