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Headteacher Letter

23 January 2025


Dear Parents and Carers 


I hope that this letter finds you, your friends and family in good health.


I can’t quite believe we are halfway through term three. I would like to thank you all for ensuring your children are at school, on time and ready to learn each day. Your support is very much appreciated.  When I walk around the school, I can see pupils working hard and engaging in their lessons.


Mr Parkin has been busy having careers meeting with all our year 10 pupils. This is a great opportunity for our pupils and families to meet with an experienced careers advisor and discuss future education and career opportunities.


We have welcomed a new Sports Coach to our community this term. Woody has been working with our primary pupils for some time, through Inclusive Sport and it is great to now have him join us. Even though the weather is not on our side, I can see lots of team sports taking place in the gym daily. Woody will also be running some after school clubs, more news on this will come out shortly.


Our Drama club each Wednesday after school have been working very hard putting together their performance for Shrek the Musical.  Watch this space for ticket information.


Yr10 and Primary parents, today is the last day to book in for parents evening next Monday 27 January via Helen at or 01843 570598.


Dates for your diary

Monday 27 January – Year 10 and Primary Parents evening

Wednesday 12 and Thursday 13 February – Drama Club performance of Shrek the Musical

Friday 14 February – Wellbeing Day

Wednesday 19 March Parent Coffee Morning

Further information about these dates will be sent out in the coming weeks.


Best wishes

Les Milton

