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World Book Day

February 2024 

Dear Parents/Carers, 


World Book Day (WBD) is nearly here! We shall be having our WBD on Friday 8th March (which is a day after the National WBD).  Your child is encouraged to dress as their favourite book character for the day if they should wish. If your child wishes to dress up and is due out on a trip for part of that day, please ensure they have a suitable change of clothes with them. 


We are also running a whole school ‘Book swap shop’ to celebrate our World Book Day this year.  We would welcome pupils to bring in a book(s) they would like to donate to the ‘swap shop’ and in return they will be able to choose a book from the swap shop in the afternoon of our WBD. 


The day will also include:


Bring in a favourite book to share an extract with the class in class time/tutor group time 

Prizes for best dressed character 

A range of art and craft, writing and reading activities relating to World Book Day 

A poet and author visit 


Kind regards, 


Fran Eastwood/Alice Carey 

English Lead/Primary Lead 


